The Mexican Council of Functional Optometry, AC (COMOF) was officially instituted on February 12, 1998, in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.

COMOF is an international organization of optometrists, visual therapists, professionals, and students from related fields. Constituted to give education and certification to them in Functional optometry and in visual therapy.

Increasing the emphasis on consultation in areas such as Child Vision, Visual Therapy, Visual Hygiene, and preventive or rehabilitation visual treatments, favoring the increase in the number of patients, as well as economic benefits and professional recognition.

COMOF Mission Statement

The mission of the Mexican Council of Functional Optometry, AC, is to serve as a support and source of instruction for professionals involved in the care of vision and development.

COMOF Objectives

  • Participate in the training of professionals and promote the dissemination and practice of Functional Optometry.

  • Make available to the public, personnel trained in vision care with a behavioral approach.

  • Support members of the ASF, in the exercise of Functional Optometry to obtain the best results in vision care.

  • Provide benefits to each member of the council, through updating programs, materials, and services.

To learn more

Visit the COMOF website at comof.mx


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