I HEART VT Q&A: Dr. Glen Steele on infant and toddler vision

Dr. Glen "Bubba" Steele is an optometrist in Memphis, Tennessee. He's been a professor at the Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tennessee for 50 years. He's focused on children's vision his entire career, starting with a fellowship at the Gessell Institute of Child Development just after graduating from optometry school. He was also part of the team who developed the InfantSEE® program. In addition to teaching, Dr. Steele lectures around the world on topics relating to children's vision across disciplines in order to spread information about infant vision development, preventing vision disorders in children, the importance of optometric vision exams in the first month of life, vision therapy for children, and more. 

In this unique session, hosted on the I HEART VT platform, Dr. Steele spends time explaining the importance vision plays in early childhood development (starting in the first moments of life) as well as what parents should be looking for in the first years of life. He gives tips for encouraging good visual skills in infants and explains that these skills form the foundation for crawling, walking, running, riding a bike, etc. Following his informative introduction, Dr. Steele takes questions from participants. Topics covered include eye turns, strabismus, amblyopia, developmental timelines and milestones, guidelines for when children should have their first visit to an optometrist, vision therapy, eyeglasses, and more. 

This is an informative session aimed at parents and child-care providers.

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