There is a great Optometry lecture series on Youtube.

Quick Eye Anatomy

Conjunctiva: Clear, vascular layer of tissue that protects the eye

Limbus: Refers to the area of tissue surrounding the cornea which contains stem cells

Tarsal plate: The tough, connective tissue plate inside your eyelids

Orbicularis Oculi: The round muscle of the eyelids that forces the eyes to close (close hard - that's it!)

Cranial Nerves of the Eye: CN2 transmits visual information from eye to brain, CN3 moves the eyes (4 of 6 muscles) and opens the eye, CN4 moves the eye (only the superior oblique muscle), CN5 adds sensation (mainly pain!), CN6 moves the eye (only the lateral rectus muscle), and CN7 closes the eye

Sclera: The tough, connective tissue "white of the eye"

Cornea: The clear window of the eye that has five layers. 1. Epithelium 2. Bowman's layer 3. Stroma 4.Descemet's membrane 5. Endothelium

Vitreous chamber: Holds the jelly-like filling of the eye called vitreous humor

Ciliary body: Pulls on the lens to help the eye focus at different distances

Lens. The focusing organ in the eye; it's composed of a capsule, cortex, and nucleus.

Choroid: Contains deep blood vessels that support the retina. The retina needs a lot of blood supply.

Ganglion Nerves: Larger nerves that transmit signals from the retina to the brain through the optic nerve.

The annulus of Zin: Where the rectus muscles that move the eye meet.

Rectus muscles: 4 big eye movement muscles, superior rectus, inferior rectus, lateral rectus, and medial rectus

Tim Root has a popular vision science youtube channel. Its is worth reaching out to him. He believes amblyopia is uncureable after a certain age. We should send him a kit.

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