November 11, 2019 Patch

On November 11th we will be releasing a software patch

On November 11th we will be releasing a software patch that contains the following changes:

Software Interface Changes: 

  • Patient List now displays the Home Activation Code - GREEN for an Active patient, GRAY for an Inactive patient, and blank for a patient who has never been assigned a Vivid Vision Home license
  • Search bar above the Patient List allows you to find patients by Home Activation Code or ID Number, as well as by name
  • Renamed the "Back" button which returns to the patient list as "Patients"
  • Bubbles, Step Vergence & Jump Duction - added "Occlusion & Blur" toggle to enable the respective settings; by default, these options are disabled as they are not recommended in these activities
  • Dominant Eye may now be changed in each individual Home activity; if not manually overridden, it will remain the same as the global setting
  • Home tab for an inactive patient who previously had a license now displays the previously assigned activities
  • Added a warning in the Home tab that appears if the patient's currently assigned license is awaiting payment
  • Fixed an issue where a patient without previously saved settings could load with non-default settings
  • If the Leap Control Panel application is not detected, the toggle for the Leap Motion controller ("Hand Camera") will be turned off and hidden

VR/Patient-View Window: 

  • Added a notification to the VR monitor window which appears when the headset may be in the system menu and unable to see Vivid Vision
  • Step Vergence & Jump Duction - the correct amount of virtual prism is now applied while in BU or BD mode and left eye is dominant
  • Bubbles - fixed an issue where a large green object could appear at the game start
  • Bubbles - made sure the text instruction would always be visible if hands are obstructing the area for more than a few seconds
  • Ring Runner - post-activity results display no longer disappears a few moments after the game ends

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  • Eye Problems
  • Ptosis
  • Binocular Vision
  • Vision Tests
  • Suppression Tests
  • Worth 4 Dot
  • Tests of Stereopsis
  • Cover Test
  • Definitions
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  • Blurry Vision
  • Reading Problems
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  • Driving Problems
  • Headaches
  • Suppression
  • Double Vision
  • Motion Sickness and Car Sickness
  • Pias Vision
  • Visual Skills
  • Visual Tracking
  • Visual Fixation
  • Stereopsis
  • Depth Perception
  • Visual Accommodation
  • Visual Requirements for Baseball
  • Visual Requirements for Pilots
  • Reading
  • Foundational Reading Skills
  • Vision and Learning
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  • Convergence and Divergence
  • Reading Skills
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  • Convergence Insufficiency
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  • Esophoria
  • Medical Terms
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  • Refractive Amblyopia
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  • Strabismus
  • Anomalous Retinal Correspondence
  • Transient Strabismus
  • Exotropia
  • Esotropia
  • Hypotropia
  • Hypertropia
  • Lazy Eye Treatments
  • Optometric Vision Therapy
  • Eye Exercises
  • Pencil Pushups
  • Brock String
  • Vision Therapy
  • Sports Vision
  • Virtual Reality
  • Red Green Glasses
  • Vision Therapy for Adults
  • Vision Therapy Apps
  • Vectograms
  • Eye Drops for Amblyopia
  • Strabismus Surgery
  • Eye Patching
  • Prism Glasses
  • Dichoptic Training
  • Binasal Occlusion
  • Reading
  • Research
  • VR Research
  • Glaucoma
  • Glaucoma Tests and Diagnostics
  • Visual Field Testing
  • Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
  • Eye Pressure
  • Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma
  • Congenital Glaucoma
  • Glaucoma in Dogs
  • Glaucoma Symptoms
  • Glaucoma Treatment
  • Glaucoma Surgery
  • Glaucoma Eye drops
  • New Treatment Technology
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  • Intraocular Pressure
  • How Do You Get Glaucoma
  • How Glaucoma Affects Vision
  • Are you a patient interested in using Vivid Vision?

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