What should you do when your kid has diagnosed Amblyopia? What can you do for them?

Pia's Vision is a picture book of the story of Pia who's diagnosed Amblyopia and overcomes the challenges of his binocular vision disorder using Vivid Vision VR games.

I am thankful to be able to share my picture book on this blog and introduce Vivid Vision for all over the world! I have 5 years experience as an orthoptist through amblyopia treatment under instruction of Opthalmologists. The aim of Orthoptics what orthoptist do is train your brain to use both eyes and improve your vision. I believe that Vivid Vision helps both of Orthoptics and Vision Training.

I wrote the story with James Blaha's (CEO of Vivid Vision Inc.) what if there was Vivid Vision when he was a child in my mind.

Hopefully, this book helps along you and your child's vison training journey to inspire them and keep them motivated!

Pias Vision

Pias Vision

Pias Vision

Pias Vision

Pias Vision

Pias Vision

Pias Vision

Pias Vision

Pias Vision

Pias Vision

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